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5 votes

Have we gotten out of the business of doing set identification?

I've reopened that question. We can certainly have a conversation about whether these sorts of questions are on-topic for the site, but I don't think that closing one as a dupe without that ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.8k
3 votes

Should similar parts identification questions be considered duplicates?

Just to add to jncraton's answer (which I agree with) the piece (and set) identification tag is likely always going to suffer a bit more on this site than others, especially if people don't describe ...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
3 votes

Should similar parts identification questions be considered duplicates?

I think that these should be closed as duplicates, because they are fundamentally exact duplicate questions. They include different part images, but they will yield exactly the same set of correct ...
jncraton's user avatar
  • 41.8k

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